Saturday, February 5, 2011

Management Plan for Willapa National Wildlife Refuge Expands Hunting

A plan that will guide management of the Willapa National Wildlife Refuge for the next 15 years is open for public review and comment.  The Refuge was established in 1937 to protect migrating and wintering populations of waterfowl and encompasses about 16,000 acres.  The draft plan presents two management options that are compared to the current one (Alternative 1: No Action).  Alternatives 2 and 3 call for expanding the special-permit-only elk hunt in the Leadbetter Point Unit.  Elk and deer hunting would also be expanded in South Bay units.  The draft plan can be found at  Comments can be sent by e-mail to, or at by selecting "Contact Us."  The deadline for comment is March 7th.  Please support the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in its proposal to expand hunting on the Willapa Refuge.

NRA-ILA :: Oregon: Pro-Gun Legislation To Be Heard February 9

NRA-ILA :: Oregon: Pro-Gun Legislation To Be Heard February 9

NRA-ILA :: BATFE Accused Of Fatal Failure To Follow Up On Suspicious Sales

NRA-ILA :: BATFE Accused Of Fatal Failure To Follow Up On Suspicious Sales

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NRA-ILA :: Feinstein Asks President To Tighten Import Restrictions On Semi-Automatic Rifles