Posted on March 29, 2011 at 10:54 PM
Updated yesterday at 10:54 PM
BELLEVUE, Wash. -- Wayne Gaughran has an entire case full of noise suppressors at his Eastside Gun Store. For years, he has been allowed to sell the several hundred dollar devices. The catch, owners can’t use them in our state. “ It puts me in a tough spot says Gaughran.”
Today the state senate unanimously approved bill 1016 which the House already passed 88-4.
The bill’s sponsor Representative Bryan Blake a Democrat from Aberdeen says a constituent came up with the idea but it was also supported by State Sheriff’s and Police Chiefs. “Hollywood Movies have stigmatized the silencers,” say Blake “ they show them as the bad guys guns.” But Representative Blake says they are “Legitimate tools’ and purchasers will have to go pay $200 and undergo an extensive federal background check.
Republican Senator Pam Roach agrees,” It's a lot safer for one who do practice the sport including law enforcement.”
“It’s a good day,” said Gaughran. Gun owners say the big advantage of the silencers is the protection of their hearing and the hearing of those around gun ranges. Gaughran says “You take the blast and flash out of a gun and it makes it a lot less intimidating.”
“We are disappointed,” said Washington Ceasefire member Michael Martin. His group is working to decrease gun violence and Martin says,” the legislature focused on this issue when there are bigger issues like assault weapons, and universal background checks at gun shows.”
The bill is now in the hands of Governor Christine Gregoire. It’s up to her whether she signs the bill into law.
Gaughran says it took several years to pass this bill. He says its harder to purchase a silencer than a gun. It can take four months or longer to clear the background check for a suppressor while a gun background check may only take 2 weeks.
I hope she signs this bill. Any word when it will be signed?